Helping You Discover the Best Grass for Your Space


It’s understandable to not put much thought into what type of grass you want because well… who really thinks of these things? Today we’re here to share with you some popular grass variations that will hopefully help you discover what grass best suits your space best. Let’s get started!


what are my options?

There are plenty of grass species to choose from. We’re going to simplify this information and share four options for you that grow healthily in North America. It’s often that grasses are categorized into warm or cool grasses. Warm grasses grow best in the South and Southwest. While cold pertains to grasses best grown in the Pacific Northwest or Northeast. The two warm grasses we’ll be covering today are Bermuda and Centipede and the two cold grasses will be Bentgrass and Bluegrass.

*Note: The grasses pictured in this article are not accurate depictions of the grasses being highlighted



Warm Grass

This grass is known for its depth in color and density in texture. While this grass is popular in residential areas, you’ll also notice them commonly utilized at golf courses. As striking as it is, it is a grass type that requires plenty of maintenance. Maintenance responsibiilites are frequent watering and frequent mowing to maintain a comfortable height for family enjoyment.



Warm Grass

Unlike Bluegrass, Centipide is naturally stubby and short, making it fairly low maintenance. Because of its texture and flatter mold, it makes a great grass for sports or fun activities (hence the cute dog image to the right). You can find some luck growing this grass in “cold” regions too. Give it full sun and it’ll be happy, although it has been known to thrive in some shade as well.



Cool Grass

Sofffttt grass. This one isn’t going to be short, stubble, and scratchy like the others. Bentgrass has malleable fronds that grow dense. Because of its texture, it makes a great fit for residential homes where families will be frolicking and hanging out. Similar to Bermuda Grass, you will also find this species around golf courses. With all of this said, beware… they do require more maintenance than most. But it sure is worth it if you’re up for the challenge! However, if you’re in the market for more ease, Bentgrass may not be the one for you.



Cool Grass

Lastly, we have Bluegrass, the most popular option out of the four. It’s on the softer side, has a unique green shade to it and requires a moderate amount of maintenance. We would say this species is very well-rounded. You have the look, the feel and the manageable care needs. Bluegrass is less tolerant of shade, so keep this in mind when making your final decision.


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